Friday, September 16, 2011

My Eighth Grade

Being from Saint John’s, there was a few more opportunity’s that I had, that others did not. With having smaller classes I was able to have a bond with my teachers. With having that said I it was much easier to get away with things. For example, ditching class and spending it out on the play ground with my friends. Or talking on AIM in computer class (they did not have a filter at that time). I only had three teachers for all of my classes. Each one of them taught two classes.
Eighth grade was the overall best year for me. During that school year it never felt like school, it was more fun. I have so many wonderful memories that I will hold on to for a life time. One of my favorite memories was getting the opportunity to conduct an experiment. I chose one of the more popular one, the reaction when mint mentos is put into a coke bottle. It turns out that diet coke, works well better than regular. It was amazing to see pop shoot up 15 feet.
Before my graduation we took a trip to Falling Waters, which was built by Frank Lloyd Wright. It was so amazing to see a house that was built over a water fall. I had no idea we had that type of technology in 1935. Also part of the house’s structure was built on a boulder, with a fireplace in it. It was such a beautiful home.
Another fantastic memory was my graduation. Even though it only had five kids including myself, it was something I would never forget. We had to opportunity to make a slide show of each one of us growing up in the school. It was great to look back and see how far each and every one of us had come.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Live, Laugh, Summer


Once school ends in June, everyone has plans for summer; weather it is getting a job or hanging out with friends it is having that freedom that makes everything worth it. The summer for me was busier than it has been in the past few years.    This past July I was busy volunteering for different things, such as the St. John’s lawn fete or helping out as a teacher for the St. John’s Vacation Bible School. It was a great opportunity and I was very thankful they asked me to be responsible for twenty-four kids. But on the other hand, it was very over whelming, to be in charge of that many kids single-handily.  I was very fortunate that they were self-efficient.  I also volunteered at the Lancaster Presbyterian Church with my grandparents and little cousins.  But this time I was helping out with three and four year olds. If I had to pick one thing that was the greatest summer memory it would have to be my very own private Fourth of July party.  One of our closest family friends loves to work with fireworks and puts on a private show including, steel wool. Now I understand that most people don’t know what steel wool is. But the best way I can explain it is by thinking of it as a massive sparkler (to the right).  It is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my whole entire life.  And now that I have seen it, no other Fourth of July firework show could ever compete. 
                Over all I had a wonderful summer, it was filled with lots of laughs and life long memories.  My only regret wasn’t being able to have some time to relax.  But I loved every minute of it and I wouldn’t change a thing.