For this week’s blog I was able to interview Devyn Woelfle. Devyn and I have had a few classes together in the past, but we never really got to know one another. It was nice that we got paired up, so we could learn some new things about one another.
As we having a conversation I asked her what her life goal was, she answered saying “I want to be successful with a job.” I think it is great that she has ambition to succeed in life. At some point in her life she wants to be a CEO of a big business. When Devyn was little she always wanted to be a model. She said “it was her childhood dream.” While we were talking I started to wonder what her best or worse memory was for her. She said “her worst memory was when her house burnt down.” And she wishes that she could forget that. Because this class is centrally based on technology I figured I would ask if she preferred new or old technology. She likes new because everything is so convenient and it makes life easier. While out conversation was coming to an end I decided to bring up the topic of prom. Her thoughts on prom were was she was originally not going to attend, because she felt it was a waste of money and time. But she had a revelation and decided to attend. She got her dress at TT New York. Her dress is black and silver with beading detail.
Overall it was nice to meet someone new that I never really got the opportunity to learn more about Devyn.