Friday, March 30, 2012

N1- The One and Only Devyn Woelfle

For this week’s blog I was able to interview Devyn Woelfle.  Devyn and I have had a few classes together in the past, but we never really got to know one another. It was nice that we got paired up, so we could learn some new things about one another.
 As we having a conversation I asked her what her life goal was, she answered saying “I want to be successful with a job.” I think it is great that she has ambition to succeed in life. At some point in her life she wants to be a CEO of a big business.  When Devyn was little she always wanted to be a model. She said “it was her childhood dream.” While we were talking I started to wonder what her best or worse memory was for her. She said “her worst memory was when her house burnt down.” And she wishes that she could forget that. Because this class is centrally based on technology I figured I would ask if she preferred new or old technology. She likes new because everything is so convenient and it makes life easier. While out conversation was coming to an end I decided to bring up the topic of prom.  Her thoughts on prom were was she was originally not going to attend, because she felt it was a waste of money and time. But she had a revelation and decided to attend. She got her dress at TT New York. Her dress is black and silver with beading detail.
Overall it was nice to meet someone new that I never really got the opportunity to learn more about Devyn.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

N4- Is the Media Taking this Too Far?

After reading the article about Trayvon Martian I was disgusted. Martian was wearing something that a mass amount of people wear out now a days, jeans and hooded sweatshirt. He was carrying a pack of skittles and an ice tea, minding his own business. I believe Zimmerman could have miss read the situation, but he didn’t have to use “self-defense” to protect himself from Martian. If the accusations are correct and Martian and Zimmerman did have an altercation, where’s the proof? If the two were fighting, wouldn’t Zimmerman be covering in broses or cuts? Zimmerman in a written statement said that Martian repeatedly slammed his head down on the ground, breaking his nose. But Zimmerman doesn’t look like he has a broken nose; he didn’t even get medical attention.  My personal opinion is the only way a person can come out of a brawl unsaved is to have a disadvantage, such as a gun.
On the other hand I think the media might be blowing things out of proportion. In the United States you are innocent until proven guilty. The media is stressing to arrest Zimmerman, but there isn’t enough substantial proof for the police to arrest him. None of us really know what happened that fatal night. The police are investigating but the pressure of the media could influence the witnesses or jury if the case does go to trial.
One thing I was stunned about was how Martians father handled the media. He did not blame Zimmerman in such a way, as much as he wanted the truth and justice to be severed. I thought it was extremely classy that Martian’s father said that Zimmerman’s father “was just protecting him”. I thought that showed strength, it is easy to blame people for that happened; it is harder to accept what occurred.
Overall it is heartbreaking to think such a young boy with so much to offer the world will never get that chance.

Monday, March 26, 2012

N2- Spring Fever!

`               When people think spring they think flowers, green grass and budding trees. When I think of spring I think of longer days and an overall happiness in people attitude. Everyone seems to be more positive and to have an extra bounce in their step.
When I was younger one thing that spring offered was finally being able to play with friends outside after school.  I can remember rushing to finish my homework on the bus so I could play. Once I finally got home I went straight outside. Back then it didn’t matter if you were alone or surrounded by people, it was still nice to be outdoors again. I would ride my bike around the block or just walk until the sun started to set. I can remember begging my mom for just a few more minutes so I could enjoy the beautiful weather, just a little bit more.
Even though that was at least seven years ago, they are still some of my favorite memories. As the weather is starting to change I started to see a change in kids today. I have a little sister who is nine; even though we are eight years apart she would rather be inside watching TV. She never wants to go out and play by herself and once she finds someone to play with they end up indoors.  I remember spring being the best time of year, but she can’t tell the difference because she is always inside. I sometimes wonder what would happen if I forced her to be outdoors and try to create her own memories of playing outside. Even though I have tried multiple times, it has not been a success.
Overall I love spring. I love what it brings to people attitude and I love what it used to represent. I just hope that the younger generation can start to enjoy it like I used too.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

M1-Irish Dancing

St. Patrick’s Day has always been a big deal to me. Being Irish it is nice to celebrate your heritage. For a few years I took Irish dancing lessons. When I was a little girl my favorite thing to watch was a tape of Riverdance. I would watch it over and over again and try to mimic what I saw. Finally my parents put me in to lessons with Rince Na Tiarna, and it was so amazing to actually learn how to dance instead of watching it on TV.  After two years of dancing my class was asked to walk and dance in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in downtown Buffalo. I never thought that I would be given that opportunity. But it was one of the best days of my life, despite the weather.
The night before I was preparing the routine. While I was thinking, my mom had to curl my whole head in foam curlers that I would have to sleep in. It took about 2 hours just to put the curlers in my hair, and we even ran out a few times and we had to run to the store to get more, but it was worth it. After my hair was done I had to learn how to tie my ghillies. The ghillies are a soft shoe that only has a thin piece of leather covering the bass of your foot.  By the end of the night I master how to tie my shoes (which are actually quite complicated to tie) and my dance routine. The next day, to my surprise it was pouring rain! Great!...Not! When I got to the parade, I was amazed to see so many Irish dancers and I couldn’t believe that I had the opportunity to dance with them. Then I was told that I would have to walk/ skip for the entire thing and that we would do our routine when we passed the judges. After the long walk my hair was ruined, my feet soaking wet and in so much pain from practically walking bare foot on the street, but I didn’t care. If it was up to me I would have done it all over again and wouldn’t change a thing.
Even though I am no longer an Irish dancer (because I thought cheerleading was cooler) I still remember everything I was taught. Looking back, I’m glad I was giving such a great opportunity and I was able to celebrate my heritage in the best way!  


For this choice blog I decide to write about national and international news and how it can affect us in Alden.  It is no secret that there has been a major outbreak of tornadoes. Just because we live in Alden, doesn’t mean that we get just snow. Western New York can still get possible tornadoes, but just not as many or sever as in tornado alley. In Alden we had a tornado two or three years ago. Before that we had sights of funnel clouds and had tornado advisories.
Here in Western New York, when there is a hot summer day and there is cool air coming off of Lake Erie it creates thunderstorms. With the hot air raising it fuels the storm and the cool air create out flow with can cause the clouds to rotate. One the clouds are rotating fast enough it creates a storm cell, and storm wall. When these are created it is likely that tornadoes can be formed. But before it is a tornado it is a funnel could. Which is exactly what is sounds like, a cloud in shape of a funnel. Once the funnel cloud reaches the ground or starts to stir things up it is called a tornado. Tornadoes are scaled on the Enchanted Fujita Scale; the scale is based on wind speed and damage. The range is EF0, which only cause a few down power lines and broken trees, to a EF5. EF5s are the most deadly and sever tornadoes of them all. An EF5 can exceed winds of about 300 mph. They can easily level a town the size of Alden, leaving nothing behind.
In this past week alone 41 people have died, including the 14 month old miracle baby. This baby was found ten miles away from her home in the middle of a field. Unfortunately her father, mother, and siblings also perished from the severe weather. In Kentucky a tornado was on the ground for 95 miles. But that wasn’t the worst one in history.  In 1925 a tornado went through three states killing 695 people and was on the ground for at least 3 and a half hours.
In conclusion, we always need to be prepared for the unexpected.


I recently got my license, and I feel there are many drivers on the road that aren’t paying attention due to distracting driving. I have had my license for the past six months and have already all most been hit by another car, because of driver was distracted.  According to AAA “using a cell phone while driving quadruples your risk of crashing.” It truly amazes me that people would take the risk of injuring themselves or others.  
                I believe that safe driving has become extinct, yes there are safe drivers out there but the majority of the people will confess that they do things will driving that they shouldn’t. AAA said that over 95% of people are distracted while driving. In today’s world driving has become essential; it seems we have to drive everywhere. But because it sometimes seems that we are in the car more than we are anywhere else, do we take safe driving for granted?  Driving isn’t just about the way you drive it is also about the other people on the road. Anticipating what they are going to do next or anything else. We have to pay attention to what is going on in front of us, instead of who texted you or what other things you have to do next.
Let’s face it; the cell phones are the only thing that can distract us. Sometimes we are so wrapped in our schedule, homework, work, or even figuring out what to eat for dinner that we stop focusing on the road. It is every easy to start thinking about things that need to be done and life’s hectic schedule.  But another huge distraction when driving is multi-tasking. Many people eat and drive, or read the newspaper. But there are some things that we can do to try to prevent this. Put your phone on silent and put it in the backseat, so that it is out of sight and out of mind. Another easy thing we can do is plan the day before we leave in the morning to ensure what needs to done so you’re not thinking about what or where you have to go next.  Overall, the little steps can unsure your safety and other while you’re on the road.

M3-A House in Flames

Hmm, I have had a great deal of embarrassing moments, but there is one moment that I will never forget.  I ALMOST burnt down my house!
When I was a little kid, probably only about seven years old, I was obsessed with Barbie’s! Every day during the summer most of the neighborhood girls would come over and play Barbie’s. But was just play with the dolls then clean it up, no it was much much more. We made my whole basement in to a Barbie town. Each person had their own house, and jobs, we even printed out money and bills. One day the power had gone out and because my basement didn’t have any windows we were used candles. As me and little Sara Steffan (yes Michael’s older sister) were setting up the candles and flash lights. I thought it would be a great idea to put a candle stick near my hot pink and bright blue Barbie dream house. For some odd reason me and Sarah had to run up stairs for a minute, leaving the candles unattended.  When we returned the whole Barbie house was on fire, and it was right next to the wall! My aunt, who also played with us screamed at me to get water. But what did I do? I went in the next room and sat on the couch freaking out. When my aunt came out of the room looking for me, she realized that I didn’t do what I was told. She pulled me off the couch and sprung to action. I ran upstairs to tell my dad that the house was on fire.  Unfortunately he was sleeping and my screaming about the house being on fire didn’t wake him, because his response was “clean it up when you’re done.” Luckily we put out the fire, but the only thing that survived was a Barbie and a plate. After that and still to this day I am not allowed to be left alone with candles.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

J1- My Hero

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary the word hero is defined as a person who is the object of extreme or uncritical devotion. Even though that might be true, to me a hero is a person who will do everything and anything for someone or something they care about. I understand that this might be said a lot but my hero is my mother. Ever since I was little my mother taught me how to be respectful, open minded and how to make a good impression. It only took one moment to realize who my hero was. When I was in fifth grade I had a terrible accident due to my clumsiness. I was in Canada for an overnight cheerleading competition. As my family and I were on our way back from dinner I gave little Phoebe Bichler a piggy back ride. When I was only a few feet from the entrance of the hotel I fell. Instantly breaking my two front teeth and my glasses, luckily Phoebe only had a few little scares on her hands. After the three hour visit to the emergency room, my mom and I had a long talk about whether I would want to cheer the next day or not.  When I asked her what she thought I should do, because I was so conflicted. When she answered she said it wasn’t her decision to make and no matter what I wanted to do she would support me every step of the way. After an answer like that I realized my hero was my mother. She would do anything for her family and no matter if she disagreed with it or not she still showed support.
But sometimes as we get older we forget about those moments and lose track of why they were our hero in the first place. Just last weekend I was reminded of why she is and always will be my hero. I was away for the weekend and was at the 60th annual Diocesan Youth Convention held at the Adam’s Mark hotel. When I returned home she gave me a small box and in it was a necklace. On the necklace are the words “daughters are like flowers, they fill the world with beauty.” I was so touched that she was thinking about me while I was away and thought of me when she saw it.
We all have different heroes but it is up to us to realize it and appreciate what we have because it might not last forever.

L1- The Super Bowl!

Who doesn’t love the super bowl? I don’t even watch football and I still look forward to it. For me it holds a lot of family memories. My dad’s birthday always takes place during the super bowl weekend. For many years we held a family party and would watch the game together.  My dad would always make a cake that had an exact replica of the field and team logos. While my mom and I were preparing the appetizers and the taco bar for dinner.  Overall it was just nice to be surrounded by family, food and a great game to watch. But the game of football doesn’t interest me, the halftime show and commercials are what I’m interested in.  Last year had some of the best commercials. My favorite was the volts wagon with the little kid obsessed with Darth Vador and was trying to use the “force”.  Another one that I enjoyed were the Doritos commercials. I thought it was a very clever idea to have an average office man and a little dog obsessed with the chip. I also thought it was smart to have a few short commercials showing the product instead of one long commercial.
The half time shows are one of the most talked about things about the super bowl. This past year the queen of pop preformed, Madonna. I thought her entrance was over the top, just like her. Even though it was clear she was lip sinking it was still a remarkable performance. For having one rehearsal and no sound check before she went live, it was truly inspiring.  I thought it was great the way she mixed between old and new music, and added some other musicians from other genres.  She and CeeLo Green were incredible when they sang Like a Prayer together as the last song.
Over all I think the super bowl is getting bigger and more impressive every year and I can’t wait to see what they do next year.